This photo is especially blurry, but this is the first bloom on one of my Pacific Coast hybrid irises. This is a naturally occuring hybrid. The photo doesn't do the colors justice.
Tulips and daffodils from neighbors Paul & Terry's garden
These violas are from my neighbor Irene's garden. Irene bakes me cookies.
A California native wallflower; very fragrant
I don't know what this is, but my best guess is Bridal Veil viburnum and a bird-sown wild cherry.
Linaria 'Flamenco' forrest, self-sowers from last year's garden
An opportunistic golden feverfew
Narcissus (unknown cultivar) & linaria 'Flamenco'
Narcissus, Thalia (white) and Barrett Browning
This is one of the many wallflowers native to California.