Sunday, March 15, 2009

Garden Blogger Bloom Day

This photo is especially blurry, but this is the first bloom on one of my Pacific Coast hybrid irises. This is a naturally occuring hybrid. The photo doesn't do the colors justice.
Tulips and daffodils from neighbors Paul & Terry's garden

These violas are from my neighbor Irene's garden. Irene bakes me cookies.

A California native wallflower; very fragrant

I don't know what this is, but my best guess is Bridal Veil viburnum and a bird-sown wild cherry.

Linaria 'Flamenco' forrest, self-sowers from last year's garden

An opportunistic golden feverfew


Narcissus (unknown cultivar) & linaria 'Flamenco'

Narcissus, Thalia (white) and Barrett Browning

This is one of the many wallflowers native to California.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I like the native wallflowers! I think I need to buy some of those myself.

Carolyn said...

Hi, QBC. I get a lot of my cal natives at Annie's Annuals & Perennials in Richmond, and Mostly Natives in Tomales.

Anonymous said...

My Austin, TX garden is Zone 8B/9, depending on the year, so it's interesting to see your almost entirely different plant selection, compared to what my Austin friends and I have growing. I think my favorite is the Linaria 'Flamenco" forrest - I love its whimsical grassy form.

Thanks for sharing, and thanks for participating in GBBD!

Jan said...

You have a lot of blooms to share this GBBD! I am not familiar with Linaria or feverfew...but then again, I am pretty limited in my knowledge of plant varieties. All matter what their names;-)